ELLEN 電視/雜誌評論家選出有天為下個世代最被看好的演員
(NEWS) TV/Magazine Critics Pick Yoochun as Among the Next Gen Actors
ELLEN 電視/雜誌評論家選出有天為下個世代最被看好的演員
10 Apr
Elle, which has produced a beautiful footage starring Jaejoong, wrote an article that discusses future stars. Among the idol-turned actors, one of the top candidates is Yoochun.
Among the Idol Members Who've Tried Their Hands at Acting, Who is the Best Acting-Dol Who Will Settle Himself as an Actor?
Kim Sunyoung, TV Critic: My faith is going to Park Yoochun, who has shown a stable vocalization and an ability to pull off the lines in his debut as lead…
電視評論家金順英說:我相信是樸有天。 他作為主角在初試啼聲的作品裡展現了穩定的聲線和把台詞完整髮揮的能力
Choi Jieun, Reporter at TenAsia: Park Yoochun, who unfolded a stable acting in Sungkyunkwan Scandal, has as his strong points an agreeable face and a full expression of emotion.
10asia的記者崔志恩說:是樸有天。 他在成均館緋聞裡呈現穩定的演技,有著親切動人的臉孔和充滿情緒的表情。
(Parts that are not on Park Yoochun are omitted.)
Source: Elle
Translation Credit: JYJ3